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ECHO [string]

* Prints the "string" to the screen. If you want spaces in the
  string, make sure the whole string is enclosed in quotes. If you
  want to print special control characters (eg. ctrl-L clear screen)
  then prefix the control letter with a ^ character. If you want to
  print double quotes, then use the  character before the qoutes.
  If you want to print some special characters like the CSI ($9B),
  you can put a (hexa-)decimal number after the ^ character; you can
  separate it from the next character by a point (.) . Do not forget
  the ^J at the end of a line.

eg.     echo hello^J
        echo "Hello world !"
        echo Hello world !
        echo "^Lthe screen was just cleared^J"
        echo "^Lline 1^Jline 2^Jline 3^J"
        echo "these are double quotes ->"^J"
        echo ^*33mColor^*32mful^J
        echo ^*4mUnderlined^*0mNormal^J

* Some common control codes are:
  ^7    ^G      bell (makes a DisplayBeep)
  ^10   ^J      linefeed.
  ^12   ^L      clear screen.
  ^13   ^M      carriage return.
  ^24   ^X      clear line.
  ^27   ^[      escape.
  ^$9b  ^*      CSI (command sequence introducer).